“The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.” 
- Charles Du Bos
The act of sacrificing of ourselves has become an increasingly alien concept, particularly when it involves change. We’ve become accustomed to having our needs and desires met immediately. Instant gratification has become the norm; Perhaps to our peril. The human race is at an impasse in regard to how we view ourselves and our relationship with each other and our environment.  In the series of paintings entitled, “Martyrs and Saints,” I wish to explore several questions about human nature and its ability to evolve in the context of my own spiritual perspective. Can I personally become less selfish in order to improve myself spiritually and develop my relationship with the world around me? What will we have to give up, thus ensuring a healthy future and is the human race truly capable of change? Only time and our own willingness to make sacrifices will tell.